Welcome to the Listenly community!
Listenly is a space for emotional explorers, communication nerds, personal development junkies, and people who want to relate to others and themselves in a more vulnerable and authentic way.
If you’re new here, you’re in the right place!
Here are some first steps to get you started:
Fill out your profile. People will be more likely to respond if they know a little about you and can connect your name with a face.
Learn about what to expect in a listening session .
Browse Listener profiles. Listeners come from all walks of life, look through a few profiles to find someone you resonate with.
Send a message! Listeners are here to connect, so don’t be shy. Messaging with a listener is a great way to get familiar with each other and the platform.
Set up your first listening session: the best way to get the hang of deep listening is first hand experience. If it’s your first time, your Listener will help guide you through the process.
Try a few listeners : everyone is different! It may take a few sessions before you find the right match.
If you have any issues, you can contact us at: listenly@listenly.co
Or send a message to the Listenly Team from your messages